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Travel Information of Thessalia Region in North Greece


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Thessalia - North Greece Hotels and Apartments

Hotels, Villas and Apartments listed by area in Thessaila, North Greece.
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Thessalia in North Greece
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Thessalia - History of Thessalia, North Greece

Information About Thessalia History

Thessalia hotels and apartments north greece

The region of Thessaly was inhabited since the begging of the Paleolithic era. Neolithic settlements have been excavated in Sesklo and Dimini. Later (during the Bronze age) it became the cradle of the first Greek race especially during the Mycenaean times.

Herodotus and Thucydides both mention the invasion of the Thessalian race from Epirus and their habitation between Othrys, Iti and Maliakos Bay. Thessaly has been ruled over time by powerful houses such as the Alafades, the Skopades and the so called Tagoi.It was later that the "public of Thettalon" was established. According to the oracle of Delphi "from the entire world the best land is Thessaly".

They took part in Alexanders expedition against the Persians with the well known Thessalian cavalry. In 197 B.C. they were conquered by the Romans. During the Byzantine times, Thessaly, belonged to Greece with Larissa as the capital city and since 1246 along with the Empire of Nikaia the Dominion of Thessaly was also established.

It was under Turkish jurisdiction from 1423. a large part of the population was forced to seek refuge in the mountainous areas of Pelio, Agrafa etc. In 1600 a revolution against the Turks was attempted but with no success. The Thessalian took part in the 1821 revolution but was not included in the Greek borders.

It finally joined in 1881, except for the area of Elassona. In 1910 we note a great agricultural revolution (Kileler). Their contribution during the german-italian occupation was very important.


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