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Travel Information of Thessalia Region in North Greece


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Thessalia - North Greece Hotels and Apartments

Hotels, Villas and Apartments listed by area in Thessaila, North Greece.
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  Thessalia North Greece - Virtual Travel Tour
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Travel Information
Thessalia in North Greece
kalambaka hotels and apartments north greece volos hotels and apartments north greece plastira lake hotels and apartments north greece pelion hotels and apartments north greece

Thessalia - Cities & Villages of Thessalia, North Greece

Information About Thessalia Cities & Villages

Thessalia - Pertouli and Elati (Trikala)

Thessalia - Pertouli and Elati

Built amongst an imposing landscape of fir trees at an altitude of 100 and 1200m, they resemble a Swiss scenery. They rapidly developed tourist-wise over the last few years. A dirt road leads to from Elati to the village of Neraidochori, a unique landscape full of fir trees are running water.

Thessalia - Zagora (Pelio)

Thessalia - Zagora

One of the most famous villages of Pelio, Zagora, is located on the east approximately 45 klm. From Volos. The houses in the village of Zagora are built according to 17th and 18th century architecture and are decorated with false windows, carved wooden doors and lintels.

Thessalia - Pouri (Pelio)

Thessalia - Pouri

The beautiful village of Pouri is located just after Zagora and the admirable steep of Kalokairinou. It is built in 3 levels and has a beautiful, calm and cool square.


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