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Travel Information of Thessalia Region in North Greece


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Thessalia - North Greece Hotels and Apartments

Hotels, Villas and Apartments listed by area in Thessaila, North Greece.
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Thessalia in North Greece
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Thessalia - Museums in Thessalia, North Greece

Information About Thessalia Museums

Thessalia Museums - Archaeological Museum of Larissa

Thessalia Museums - Archaeological Museum of Larissa

The museum is temporarily situated in a temple of the 19th century but will soon be transferred to a new building. The exhibits are dated from Paleolithic, Neolithic, archaic, classical, Hellenistic and Roman eras.

Thessalia Museums - Archaeological Museum of Almyros

Thessalia Museums - Archaeological Museum of Almyros

The Museum operates as a witness to the cultural development of the settlements of the area, which was called "Achaia Fthiotis" in ancient times and whose mythological elements and great archaeological sites, prove its rich history from the Neolithic ages to this day.

Thessalia Museums - Museum of Folk Art and History of Pelion

Thessalia Museums - Museum of Folk Art and History of Pelion

It is situated in the Topali mansion which was built in 1844 according to the date that is carved at the entrance.

The collection of folk art today includes a number of exhibits which surpass 1500 objects, instead of the original 311 , amongst which a series of murals dated 18th and 19th century and a rich collection of old photographs from the beginning of our century.


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